After obtaining residence status in New Zealand, while your residence allows you an indefinite stay, it only provides you travel conditions for two years.
Should you want to convert the residence to a permanent residence, you will need to meet the necessary requirements to obtain permanent residence.
If you have had a residence visa for more than 2 years you may be eligible to apply for a permanent residence visa. Having a permanent residence visa will allow you to travel in and out New Zealand as much as you want with no restrictions.
There are a few requirements that you must meet in order to get permanent residence in New Zealand, including length of time spent in New Zealand on a resident visa, showing commitment to New Zealand, meeting character requirements and fulfilling all other conditions.
In order to apply for permanent residence, you must show your commitment to living in New Zealand by providing evidence that you meet at least one of the five criteria set out by INZ.
Acceptable evidence of your commitment to living in New Zealand include:
At Pier Law we encourage you to begin the process of pursuing permanent residency as soon as possible, if you qualify. If you leave your application to late, you may risk losing your residence status altogether.
If you feel that you may not be able to meet any of the requirements above, speak to us so we can discuss alternatives.
There are many different paths to becoming a permanent resident or citizen so get in touch with us today and we can help you determine the best pathway for you and your family.
The final step after permanent residence is to apply for New Zealand citizenship. This process is handled by the New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs.
To become a New Zealand citizen, there are a number of requirements that you must first meet – presence in New Zealand, language, and character requirements.
If you can confirm that you meet the requirements set out by the DIA then you will be able to apply for citizenship.
It is important that you put forth all information when submitting your application. If you do not disclose all information and the Citizenship Office uncovers something that may negatively impact your application then your citizenship request may not be accepted. Get in touch with our team today and we can help guide you through this process.
Senior Associate | Solicitor